Ground Floor Flat
Attic (penthouse flat)
Detached House
Terraced House
Owner, primary residence in Spain
Owner, secondary residence in Spain
Tenant, primary residence in Spain
Tenant, secondary residence in Spain
Owner, rented property
Holiday rental
Tourist rental property
Reinforced Door: Must have 2 steel sheets at least 1.5 mm thick and have spigots that enter at three separate points in the doorframe
Solid door: The door must be one solid piece with a thickness of at least 45 mm.
Security locks: Reinforced security locks with at least a 3-point security lock.
Security shutters: Shutters with a 14mm sheet in between the main sheets, which prevent the shutters being opened from the outside (auto-blocking).
Safety glass: Laminated glass comprised of two or three 6 mm sheets interspersed with layers of polyvinyl butyral.
Yes, connected to a security company or police station
Yes, but not connected to a security company or police station
For the safe to be covered by the policy, it must weigh at least 100 kilos, or if it weighs less than that, must be attached or built into fixed elements of the building. The safe must have a lock and combination, or a double lock or double combination, and must be made from fire and penetration resistant materials.
Building and Contents
Building Only
Contents Only
For instance, furniture, appliances, artwork, electronics and clothing are all contents. Structural items, on the other hand, are things that are attached to the building. Hardwood or tile flooring, counter tops, and other cabinetry are all considered part of the building.